Gezhouba Cement: New Breakthrough in Energy-saving, Intelligent and Green Development

2024-03-11 13:58:35

Recently, as one of the 46 key enterprises included in carbon trading in Hubei Province, Gezhouba Yicheng Cement Co., Ltd. has successfully transformed from carbon quota shortage to carbon emission surplus enterprises through deep energy-saving and carbon reduction technology transformation.

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Gezhouba Cement: New Breakthrough

in Energy-saving, Intelligent and Green Development

Recently, as one of the 46 key enterprises included in carbon trading in Hubei Province, Gezhouba Yicheng Cement Co., Ltd. It has realized the successful transformation from the shortage of carbon quotas in the past to the surplus enterprises of carbon emissions.

Gezhouba Yicheng Cement Co., Ltd. used to use coal as the main fuel, and the carbon quota could not meet the normal production of the enterprise, so the difference could only be purchased in the carbon market.

"In 2021, our company's carbon quota gap is about 20,000 tons, and we need to spend nearly 600,000 yuan a year to buy from the carbon market. Through last year's energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation, our carbon quota surplus in 2023 was 23,000 tons, which brought nearly 600,000 yuan of income to the company." Hu Mengnan, deputy general manager of Gezhouba Yicheng Cement Co., Ltd., said.

In 2021, the state implemented the "double carbon" strategy, and Gezhouba Yicheng Cement Co., Ltd. invested about 155 million yuan to carry out energy saving and carbon reduction upgrading and transformation, which met the requirements of the world's first-class energy consumption level for key energy consumption products. The company actively promotes intelligent technology transformation, improves production efficiency and stability, not only saves a lot of energy, but also reduces the labor intensity of front-line employees; makes full use of waste heat power generation, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, reduces the cost of enterprises and increases enterprise income.

"Previously, our daily consumption of alternative fuels was about 50 tons, and after energy saving and carbon reduction transformation, the consumption of alternative fuels reached 150 tons.". The company's clinker standard coal consumption is lower than before, and it can save more than 8000 tons of standard coal annually. Hu Mengnan, deputy general manager of Gezhouba Yicheng Cement Co., Ltd., said.

It is understood that Gezhouba Yicheng Cement Co., Ltd. has also built 5.19 MW photovoltaic and 5.1 MW energy storage projects, and the self-sufficiency rate of photovoltaic power consumption has reached 100%. By the end of 2023, the standard coal consumption of the company's clinker has been reduced by 6.55 kg/ton compared with that before the transformation, and the comprehensive power consumption of clinker has been reduced by 1.44 kWh/ton. In 2023, it was selected as a typical case of national industrial green microgrid application, and the company was awarded "National Green Factory".

  "In 2014, we became the first batch of enterprises included in the pilot carbon market. Joining the carbon market is not only the need to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of a big country at the national strategic level, but also the inherent need for sustainable low-carbon development of enterprises. We will continue to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, reduce production costs and enhance brand competitiveness in accordance with the low-carbon and digital development strategy." Hu Mengnan, deputy general manager of Gezhouba Yicheng Cement Co., Ltd., said.

At present, the company is implementing technical transformation such as deep treatment of kiln tail flue gas and alternative fuel disposal terminal. Next, they will continue to promote technological transformation and upgrading, do a good job in tackling key technical problems of energy saving, pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and promote the company's low-carbon green development.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.