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Recently, some leading enterprises continue to reduce the price of cement in the main urban area by about 20-30 yuan/ton.


Rainy weather is frequent, and the demand for concrete market is insufficient.


The rainy season affects the construction, and the demand for concrete market is weak in the off-season.


In view of the loss predicament of the cement industry in the first half of the year, Zhejiang Cement Association put forward a proposal to prevent involution competition.


Pursue quality management and effective development, reduce production and consumption intensity, and reduce ineffective supply.


Shaanxi Cement Association advocates that member enterprises resist "involution" competition and promote the healthy development of the industry through positive competition culture, optimizing resource allocation, diversified evaluation system, sustainable development and industry self-discipline and cooperation.


Isn't it a little late for this "autonomous" shutdown to quit? The competent authorities acquiesced that the production line that should be eliminated in June 2011 had been produced independently for four and a half years!


Cement prices in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province dropped significantly, with a drop of about 100 yuan/ton from the beginning to the end of July.


According to the current situation, as long as the issue of capital investment is involved, most enterprises still tend to hold a wait-and-see attitude, which makes the overall M & a and restructuring process of the industry not optimistic.


In the first half of the year, the construction industry realized an added value of 3777.1 billion yuan, an increase of 4.8% over the same period last year, and the growth rate was 0.2 percentage points lower than that of GDP. The added value of the construction industry accounted for 6.12% of the GDP.


The future demand for cement depends on the construction progress of new projects and continued projects. It is expected that cement demand will be difficult to improve in the future, and enterprises should reduce demand expectations in order to cope with the downward trend and develop rapidly.


Myanmar Conch (Mandalay) Cement Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between China Conch Cement Co., Ltd. and MYINT Investment Group Co., Ltd.


Recently, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangxi Province issued a public announcement on the proposed acceptance of the environmental impact report on the overall relocation and technical renovation project of Fenyi Conch's cement clinker production line with a daily output of 4500 tons.


Cement Network officially released the National Water Slag Price Index.


On August 1, leading enterprises in Hainan continued to notify the reduction of bulk price by 15 yuan/ton and bagged price by 60 yuan/ton.


At the beginning of July, the market along the Yangtze River ushered in the third round of cement price increase in the year, with a range of 50 yuan/ton, but most of them only implemented 20-30 yuan/ton, and some markets did not even increase the price at all.


In late July, the enterprises have successively adjusted the cement price to about 20 yuan/ton..


Recently, enterprises in Hengyang have successively lowered the price of cement by about 30 yuan/ton.


On August 1, some major enterprises in Guangdong notified the Pearl River Delta market to raise the price of cement by 10-15 yuan/ton.


Outage methods include: first, low-price competition forces high-cost enterprises to passively shut down due to losses; second, active shutdown through off-peak production to maintain industry profits.


After on-the-spot verification, the enterprise has not met the production conditions after dismantling the main cement equipment.


On July 30, Jidong Cement held a semi-annual working conference in 2024 to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Twentieth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, convey the requirements of the semi-annual working conference of the Group, summarize the company's work in the first half of the year and deploy the key tasks in the second half of the year.


Huainan Conch Cement Co., Ltd., Anhui Huaining Conch Cement Co., Ltd. and Fuyang Zhonglian Cement Co., Ltd. were selected.


The purpose of capacity replacement is to curb capacity growth, but the result is just the opposite.


In fiscal year 2023, India's cement production reached 375 million tons, up 6.83% year-on-year. From 2012 to 2023, India's cement production capacity increased from 350 million tons to 570 million tons, with a cumulative increase of about 61%.


Looking forward to the second half of 2024, we believe that the demand for cement will improve compared with the first half of the year, and the price will continue to rebound. However, under the constraints of weak demand and serious overcapacity, the repair of cement price is limited. Throughout the year, cement demand will face


At present, the cement industry needs to accumulate strength through "peak staggering to output", so as to be able to achieve "rational capacity removal" in the future.


Recently, the Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Zhongshan City and the Finance Bureau of Zhongshan City jointly issued the Notice on the Collection of Financial Incentive Projects for Air Pollutant Emission Reduction in 2023, which will temporarily award 10,000 yuan for NOx emission reduction according to the principle of "first reduce, first make up, and use up".


"There are two leading enterprises fighting in Guanzhong.".


Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Strengthen Industry Self-discipline and Prevent "Involution" Vicious Competition


In the first half of 2024, Iran's cement consumption reached 32.17 million tons, an increase of 9.8% over the same period last year.


Ma Weiping appealed that the cement industry should cancel the capacity replacement policy.


Demand is declining, supply is increasing, and the price of sand and gravel industry is adjusted in an all-round way.


Leading enterprises in Dehong, Baoshan and Nujiang areas notified an increase of 50 yuan/ton in cement prices from 28 to 30 days.


The implementation of the sharp increase in cement prices in Yunnan Province is worrying, and enterprises are also reducing the price increase in the actual implementation, and the final implementation has not reached an increase of 100 yuan/ton.


During the exchange, the two sides agreed that it is difficult to achieve the goal of capacity reduction only by off-peak production. If the industry wants to get out of the current predicament, it still needs large enterprises to take active action and take the initiative to assume responsibility.


The National Development and Reform Commission issued a list of relevant county-level administrative regions applicable to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecological Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.


Tapai Group released its semi-annual performance report for 2024 on July 30. In the first half of the year, it achieved a total operating income of 1.976 billion yuan, down 31.17% from the same period last year. The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 226 million yuan, down 53.2%.


Efforts should be made to improve operational efficiency and ensure the completion of annual performance targets.


In the past week, leading enterprises in Chengdu-Demian, Leyamei, Ganzi, Yibin, Nanchong, Suining, Guang'an and other regions have lowered cement prices by 10-30 yuan/ton.


Create a new business model of "multi-industry development, multi-point support, deep integration of industrial chain and supply chain".


The foundation laying ceremony of 6000TPD cement production line of Nigeria BUA Group EDO4 Project contracted by Sinoma Construction was held in OSOSO Community, EDO State, where the project is located.


We will further deepen cooperation in supply chain services, building materials supply and other fields.


The meeting pointed out that new industries and future industries should be fostered and strengthened. We should vigorously promote high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, strengthen key core technologies, and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. We should effectively support the development of gazelle enterprises and unicorn enterprises. It should be strengthened


Recently, the announcement of public recruitment and evaluation of the bankruptcy liquidation case of Jilin Jidong Weida Concrete Co., Ltd. was issued.


Under the background of green and high-quality development, ultra-low emission is gradually becoming the standard of domestic cement enterprises.


It is irregular or even illegal to artificially expand and approve small and large projects.


Recently, the bankruptcy reorganization of Hebei Shenghua Chemical Co., Ltd. was announced according to the property disposal announcement, and its 35% stake in Xuanhua Jinyu Cement Co., Ltd. was auctioned for the fourth time.


Dengfeng Songji Cement Co., Ltd. was awarded the honorary title of "Henan Carbon Asset Management Demonstration Enterprise".


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